Sunday, July 31, 2011

New Beginnings

Tomorrow is the big day, I start my juice fast and A Call to Die by David Nasser.

I have heard of juice fasting before, and after watching Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead I called up a good friend to find out more about juicing. She and her husband had done some juice fasting before, but not for the length I will be doing it for.

I did A Call to Die back in 2002 after church camp. The devotional calls for you to give something up for 40 days. The first time I did it, I gave up computers. This time I am going to give up food. I will juice instead to get all the nutrients (including  protein) I need.

I have been trying out some of the recipes on There have been some that are absolutely awful, but most taste really good. I tried to do only juice today, but caved when it got later into the day. I love some of the juices, like the green juice -really yummy.

I know some people are skeptical that this might not be a safe thing to do. No worries, as Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert. I am pretty sure that if I have juice and water, I will definitely be able to survive.

All that being said, please keep praying for me as I start my journey.